Every Wife Deserves A Husband Who calls her BABY, ^_^
KISSES her like he means it,
Holds her like he never wants to let her go... :)
Doesnt cheat or lie, Wipes her tears when she cries, :))
Doesnt make her jealous of other women..instead makes other women jealous of her...!! ;)
A Man who isnt scared to let his friends know how he really feels about her...!! :-*
and always reminds her of how much really he LOVES her!!
Mashaa Allah :)
silent message 4 all boys:
Treat A girl the way you want your
sister to be treated :)
12 5 insan yang sudi meluahkan perasaan:
assalamualaikum...sweetnya kn...:)
as salam..
indahnya ;)
tapi pakcik belum rasa sesuai unutk mendirikan baitulmuslim. huhu
sesia[a yangd ah kahwin, baca entri ni, mesti suka :)
yup, setuju..
suka ayat 2nd last.....
sweet! n 100% true.. :)
@mama maszull : tq mama..
xsemestinya yg nk berBM je boleh bce entry ni..hehe
isyaAllah yg blum tu boley larh amik pgjrn,,. :)
@midon : thankz :)
@kipas koyak : thnkz.. :)
@icah : xpe sweet2..sbb xgne gula pon..thankz dear :)
subhanallah .... very nice
sy suke post ne :)
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