There is a time of night when work ends,
traffic sleeps,
and silence is the only sound.
At that time
while the world around us sleeps

there is One who remains awake and waits for us to call on Him !!!
credit to - uncle gugell for all the images |
“Our Lord descends during the last third of each night to the lower heaven, and says:
‘Is there anyone who calls on Me that I may respond to him?
Is there anyone who asks Me that I may give unto him?
Is there anyone who requests My Forgiveness that I may forgive him?’”
[Bukhari: Book 2, Volume 21, Hadith 246; Muslim: Book 4, Hadith 1656]
-----> In The Name of Allah The Most Gracious The Most Merciful.
"Our Lord! In You we have placed our trust, and to You do we turn in repentance, for unto You is the end of all journeys.
Amin Ya Rabbalalamin.....
10 5 insan yang sudi meluahkan perasaan:
as salam..
betul tu nur.dalam apa jua keadaan..
walaupun dalam solat..
sejuk2 pun kena mencari khusyuk..
as salam
suke blog awak yg penuh ilmiah...nenot follow awk..:)
saintifiknya, waktu malam lebih padat udara, lebih segar....
@pak cik : wasalam.. btoll tue pak cik.. kene brusha larh untuk kusyuk dlm solt walu pyh.. sjuk tu godaan pak cik :D
@NENot : wasalam.. tq yer.. Ilmu yg dkongsi bersama jer..
@mr.IX : tq atas info..bru tahu... :)
bangkitlah sepertiga malam untuk bertahajud...
suka entry ni.. :D
@sam : insyaAllah.. :)
@DYA :thankz :)
ASlm.....tima kasih sbb sudi datang jenguk kita...nice blog..
kak @ANGAH : wasalm.. welcome..trima ksh krna sudi singgh ke blg nur :)
(T~T) . . . .
mendamaikan jiwa, . . :)
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