seperti yang telah dijanjikan... bukan main lagi kan ayat.... okeh..ini dia jawapan yang nur ada untuk teka teki semalam.. sapa2 yang belum tengok boleh larh menjenguk ke sini....

seperti yang telah dijanjikan... bukan main lagi kan ayat.... okeh..ini dia jawapan yang nur ada untuk teka teki semalam.. sapa2 yang belum tengok boleh larh menjenguk ke sini....
jawapannya :
The solutions goes, fill up the 5 liters bucket, and pour it into the 3 liters bucket. You will have 2 liters remaining in the 5 liters bucket. Throw the water in the 3 liter bucket and take the water from the 5 liters bucket (which contains 2 liters now) and pour it into the 3 liters bucket. Fill up the 5 liters bucket again and pour the water into the 3 liters bucket until it is full. So exactly one liter will go into the 3 liters bucket until full. This would give 4 liters in the 5 liters bucket.
2) Basically, it can be solved if you apply the concept of tree structures,, which uses binary trees, you can use tertiary trees. A tree with three branches. If you separate the balls into 3 groups, 2 groups of 3 balls and one group of 2 balls you can solve the problem in less than 2 tries. Balance the weight of the two groups of 3 balls. Which ever is lighter contains the defective one. Then take the 2 out of 3 balls and balance it on a scale again. if equal, the the third ball not measured is the defective one. otherwise....well, which ever is lighter. But what if the groups of 3 balls balances on the scale, well, you try the 2 balls. Each on either side. The lighter one is the defective one.
Mungkin ia agak berlainan dengan jawapan yang kawan2 berikan. Sebenarnya banyak lagi jawapan yang boleh difikirkan.. kalau korang rajin boleh larh pikir2 kan lagi ea...
thankz kepada yang sudi memberi jawapan :
nah hadiah untuk kamu berdua :
juga kepada kawan2 yg laen yg sudi tinggalkan komen tue,thankzs yer ::)
kat bawah nie ada lagi teka-teki tapi sampai sekarang nur tak paham solution dia macam mana.. ada sapa2 yang boleh tolong explain tak??..rasa tak puas hati selagi tak tahu macam mana penyelesaian dia....
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4 5 insan yang sudi meluahkan perasaan:
ouh camtu..hihi...teka teki bwh tu lg ler xfhm..huhu
hehe..yer.mcam tue ler dila..memg pening skit..
yg bawah tue smpai skrg nur xphm.. :)
otak jenius..:D
tapi nad xpaham..:D
nad : hehe..maen teka2 ni buatkan otak kite byk berpikir.. tp pling xbest ble xdpt smpai skit kepala bgai diperah2 otak..hehhe
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